This chapter integrates ideas of statistical process control (SPC) with the principles of quality control (QC) and systematic problem solving (Figure 11.1). It is crucial to understand that these three concepts or constructs are interconnected and are seamless outgrowths of one another. While it is a useful metaphor for this three-faceted system to be thought of as organically interconnected, it will be necessary for clarity and practicality to dissect these components. This chapter is intended to convey to readers who are either not versed in engineering (systems control) statistics or applications of control theory to rearing systems a practical understanding of these concepts. It is further intended that this chapter provides rearing professionals (especially diet-making personnel) a blueprint for developing an SPC system to their rearing system. It is a crucial point that several large-scale rearing systems, especially ones overseen by FAO, IAEA, and/or USDA, have proted from the development of QC applications. In these systems, there has been impressive attention to questions of the tness or usefulness of the product-insects produced by the systems in question.