Shwasa word in ayurveda indicates the state of respiration of both physiological and pathological. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the fi ve types of disease of Shwasa. This is a disease mainly of Pranavaha Srotasa,12 where a lot of similarities between modern science and Ayurveda with the disease can be seen. Starting from the Nidana (etiology) of the disease as host factors (Nija Hetus-Doshadushti and Ama) and environmental factors (Agantuja Hetus-Raja, Dhuma, Pragvata, etc.), regarding signs, symptoms and etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma, where both Ayurveda and modern medical science agree. The key role in the management strategy in both sciences is Nidana Parivarjanam (avoiding causative factors). Shwasa roga is vata-kapha dominant disorders.13