Electrostatic interactions between macroions in aqueous solution

are omnipresent and therefore of fundamental interest for soft

matter, colloid science, and biomolecular systems [10]. Macroions

can appear in a multitude of forms such as surfactant micelles, poly-

electrolytes (including DNA), gels, block copolymers, nanoparticles,

extended solid surfaces (mica, clay, glass), lipid membranes, and

proteins. Their charged moieties can be fixed or mobile, polarizable,

or regulated through a dissociation process. What makes the

interaction between macroions interesting from a basic physical

point of view is the presence of small mobile ions in the aqueous solution. These ions often dissociate and become mobile because

the high dielectric constant of water, W ≈ 80, greatly reduces cation-anion attraction, thus favoring the entropic gain that comes

with the dissociation process. The relation between electrostatic

and thermal energy is often expressed in terms of the Bjerrum

length lB = e2/(4π0WkBT ), at which twomonovalent ions have an interaction energy of kBT . Here, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute temperature, 0 is the permittivity in vacuum, and e is the elementary charge.