Motion sickness-Burns (1984) reported on experiments performed as part of a research programme investigating motion sickness at sea. Subjects were placed in a cubical cabin mounted on a hydraulic piston and subjected to vertical motion for two hours. The length of time until each subject first vomited was recorded. Censoring occurred because some subjects requested an early end to the experiment, while others survived the whole two hours without vomiting. (These data demonstrate that the end point of ‘survival data’ is not necessarily death.) The data shown in Table 9.1 come from two experiments, one with 21 subjects experiencing motion at a frequency of 0.167 Hz and acceleration 0.111 g and the other with 28 subjects moving at frequency 0.333 Hz and acceleration 0.222 g. Censored observations are indicated by an asterisk (*). Interest lies in how the different types of motion affect time to vomiting.