Carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbs energy strongly in two regions of the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. If there was no CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere at all, the Earth's temperature would be around -20°C. CO2 gets into the atmosphere in various ways, and at present there is more being added to the atmosphere than is being removed. The Earth’s temperature undergoes periodic variations – around AD 1000, there was what is known as a ‘Medieval Warm Period’, the warmest epoch in the past 2000 years, while more recently there was a ‘Little Ice Age’ centered around 1700. Some fire extinguishers create their carbon dioxide when activated by pressing the button, using a reaction between an acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate, though this type has fallen out of use. CO2 is of course also formed when yeast uses the enzyme zymase to catalyse the fermentation of sugar into alcohol and CO2.