The most potent environmental agent capable of inducing skin cancer is ultra-violet light exposure. The risk of post-transplant skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is related to the degree of immunosuppression. Actinic keratosis are small erythematous superficial keratotic lesions on sun-exposed skin. The surrounding skin shows evidence of sun exposure and damage with telangiectasia, discolouration and non-uniform pigmentation. Cutaneous SCC appears most frequently on sun-exposed sites but may occur anywhere. It is usually characterized by a rapidly growing indurated erythematous or skin-coloured hyperkeratotic nodule or tumour that may ulcerate. Cutaneous lymphomas are a heterogenous group of disorders characterized by localization of malignant lymphocytes to the skin. Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas are defined as B-cell lymphomas originating in the skin without evidence of extracutaneous disease at presentation and for 6 months after diagnosis as assessed by adequate staging procedures.