Follicular lymphoma (FL) is composed of a variable proportion of small and large centrocytes and centroblasts. If diffuse areas of any size composed predominantly of blastic cells are present in case of FL, a diagnosis of concurrent diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is also made. The FL International Prognostic Index is a strong predictor of outcome. The influence of bone marrow biopsy histology on prognosis and management of FL remains controversial. Patients with primary cutaneous FL have a more favorable long-term prognosis than those with equivalent nodal disease. A subgroup of morphologically low-grade FL with a high proliferative index has been described, that behaved more aggressively than those with a low proliferative index. Floral variant of FL show atypical lymphocytes forming irregular clusters within germinal centers leading to “floral” appearance. Pediatric-type follicular lymphoma are strongly positive for B-cell markers. FL in situ without overt lymphoma has an indolent clinical course and requires a follow-up without treatment.