As it is known, autohesion strength (coupling of the identical material surfaces) depends on interactions between some groups of polymers and treats usually in purely chemical terms on a qualitative level [1, 2]. In addition, the structure of neither polymer in volume nor its elements (for the example, macromolecular coil) is taken into consideration. The authors [3] showed that shear strength of autohesive joint ts depended on macromolecular coils contacts number Nc on the boundary of division polymer-polymer. This means, that value ts is defined by the macromolecular coil structure, which can be described within the frameworks of fractal analysis with the help of three dimensions: fractal (Hausdorff) Df, spectral (fraction) ds and the dimension of Euclidean space d, in which fractal is considered [4]. As it is known [5], the dimension ds characterizes macromolecular coil connectivity degree and varies from 1.0 for linear chain up to 1.33 for very branched macromolecules. In connection with this the question arises, how the value ds influences on autohesive joint strength ts or, in other words, what polymers are more preferable for the indicated joint formation – linear or branched ones. The purpose of the present communication is theoretical investigation of this effect within the frameworks of fractal analysis.