Maize is among three foremost cereal crops preferred by human race. It serves as staple carbohydrate for a large population in the Americas and elsewhere in Asia and Africa. It is an excellent forage source. It is a versatile crop species and forms large cropping belts in all continents. Its cultivation extends from 50° N to 50° S latitude. The maize agroecosystem thrives on variety of soil types, weather patterns and economic zones. The Northern Great Plains of USA, supports a large expanse of maize crop. Here, it is grown intensively using large amounts of inorganic fertilizers, gypsum and FYM in about ten states of Northern Great Plains. Collectively, this agroecosystem is referred as Corn Belt of United States of America. This stretch of maize contributes nearly 60-70% of total maize produce of United States of America. The Cerrados of Brazil is another region where maize is a dominant crop on the vast plains. Here, it is often rotated or intercropped with soybean. The Oxisols of Cerrados are moderate in fertility and exhibit Al toxicity. Hence, maize yield is moderate despite repeated adoption of soil amelioration techniques. Maize is a sought after forage crop in the European plains. Fertile soils and high fertilizer-based nutrient supply induces massive production of forage reaching 30-35 t biomass/ha. In West and Central Africa, tropical maize is a staple cereal to many tribes. It is grown in mixtures with beans/ legumes and bananas. Maize culture is localized to Nile region in North-east Africa. In Egypt, precipitation trends and irrigation resource are key factors to maize cropping and its productivity. Maize cropping zone is gradually increasing in the Southern Indian Plains and Hills. It is being preferred over other dry land crops due to its ability to offer greater quantity of food grains to humans plus forage. In North-east China, maize is cultivated intensively using relatively larger dosages of fertilizers and FYM. Maize rotated with soybean dominates the North China agrarian zone. Maize is also cultivated as an important rainy season crop in many other parts of South-east Asia. Maize belt in Australia offers both forage grains. Its expanses are confined to Queensland, New South Wales and few other locations.