Tubal factor infertility was the original indication for which in vitro fertilization (IVF) was rst performed. During the last decades, it has become evident that tubal infertility in general and hydrosalpinx in particular carry a worse prognosis than other infertility factors. The rst report from 1994 showed a reduced pregnancy rate and an increased rate of miscarriage in hydrosalpinx patients, as compared to patients with other tubal infertility,1 and it has been followed by numerous retrospective studies. Initially, the theories focused on the hydrosalpinx uid, its content and also the possibility of washout of embryos through leakage of uid through the uterine cavity. A lot of research has been devoted to investigate the hydrosalpinx uid for possible embryotoxic components and growth-inhibiting factors, but the mechanism through which a hydrosalpinx exerts its negative effects is still obscure.

Introduction .............................................................................................................. 103 Impact of Hydrosalpinx on IVF Outcomes .............................................................. 104 Impact of Hydrosalpinx Treatment on IVF Outcome .............................................. 105