Forward kinematics is how your body would move if it were free-oating in space or mostly how we move when we are swimming. at is to say, your brain sends electric impulses to your muscles, which twitch on command, pulling your tendons and ligaments so that the skeletal joints rotate in the direction you intend. All of this happens at near the speed of light, oen times completely instinctively! So if you are standing there, your le arm swinging by your side (your right arm, I assume, is holding this book), you can ex your bicep and raise your arm to 90°. Your wrist, being connected, moves with the elbow and now you can see that the wrist is moving in an arc around the elbow. If we had our character handy, we could do something similar in our 3D program-rotate the elbow, watch the elbow rotate on its hinge axis, and the wrist going along with it. Seems pretty simple, right?