ABSTRACT Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a computed tomographic method which reconstructs the spatial distribution of electrical conductivity within a closed domain from the boundary potentials developed by a constant-current injection. A low-frequency low-magnitude constant sinusoidal current is injected to the closed domain under test through the current electrodes attached to the domain boundary and the conductivity distribution is reconstructed from the surface potentials collected from the voltage electrodes by using an image-reconstruction algorithm in a personal computer. Modern EIT systems generate the digital data either by using a microcontroller with a software like MATLAB® or C programs (or any other software) or by modern data-acquisition systems (DASs) using signal generation cards with appropriate data-acquisition software, such as Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW). In this chapter we discuss digital data generation, analog data acquisition, image reconstruction, and image analysis of a wired EIT system. The electrode switching technique of a wireless EIT system is also


30.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................640 30.2 Electrical Impedance Tomography Wireless Instrumentation ...................................642