Canine salmon poisoning fluke acquired by eating infected fish. PPP= 5 to 8 days. Dx: Egg in feces. Dogs often present with fever and diarrhea due to the infection with Neorickketsia helminthoeca transmitted in this fluke. Egg is brown, operculate on one end, with a small blunt point on the other, (75 to 80 µm long). Adult Habitat: Small intestine. Similar Species: A number of exotic flukes that rarely infect dogs could have eggs of similar morphology. Range: Northern Pacific rim. Clinical Signs: Infection with the fluke probably asymptomatic. Fluke transmits N. helminthoeca which can produce a febrile illness. Tx: No approved drug. Removed by routine praziquantel and epsiprantel. Need to treat rickettsial infection with tetracyclines.