The Anesthetic Record The record is an essential part of any anesthetic procedure and is of undeniable value to the patient, surgeon, and anesthetist. If blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration, ECG and other variables have been monitored, they should be recorded to better allow assessment of the patient’s condition on a moment-to-moment basis. A good anesthetic record is also helpful if a patient must be anesthetized again and it is the only means of recording events occurring from the pre-anesthetic period through recovery. For medicolegal reasons, it is wise to keep accurate records because a written review of established events is far better than an account reconstructed from memory. A thorough record is an invaluable asset in any legal situation. In clinical practice, anesthetic records can be used to better assess procedures and techniques, to establish a good system of disciplined monitoring by technicians, and for educational benefits as well. The usefulness of anesthetic records has been evident at teaching hospitals and large veterinary centers for improved patient care, research, teaching, and the short time spent on making them pays great dividends.