MUSCLES AND TENDONS n Flexion of the fingers and thumb is powered by exor digitorum profundus (FDP), exor

digitorum supercialis (FDS), and exor pollicis longus (FPL) muscles. • FDS tendons have a common muscle belly at the forearm level. Each FDP tendon has its

own individual muscle belly at the forearm level. • Each FDS tendon divides into two equal halves at the level of the metacarpal head (Camper’s

chiasma).  Each half rotates laterally and dorsally around the FDP tendon.  FDS slips rejoin deep (dorsal) to the FDP tendon at the distal end of the proximal

phalanx1 (Fig. 69-1).  FDS then inserts on volar aspect of middle phalanx as two separate slips.  Small finger FDS tendon may be diminutive or completely absent.7