The future prosperity of feed resources in the countries located in the arid and semiarid regions relies on the economically feasible use of marginal and long-neglected resources (El Shaer and Attia-Ismail 2002). The increasing demand for animal feed in most developing countries imposes certain pressures. In less developed countries, there are huge amounts of different natural resources that are not utilized or at least are ineffi ciently utilized. There should be more emphasis on alternative concepts of productivity and more effi cient utilization of local resources. Also, recent shifts in both technological and practical potentialities in animal feeding have been strongly reinforced by economic pressure. The achievements, hence, are assessed as much on reduced or lowered cost inputs as on greater output. This may suggest that more attention is to be given to the most economical feeding while maintaining animal production at optimal levels. It is, then, that the use of non conventional feed resources is of more importance. Halophytes can, then, play a signifi cant role in the well being of different peoples.