And the third level is the occasional tit-bit of scientific information or allusion to keep the attention of the special­ ists in the audience. For instance in doing the demonstration with the lensless slide projector described above (Demon­ stration 3.10) I might very well say at one point that the scientists present will recognise this as a way of presenting Fourier transform ideas. If done in this way, a little scien­ tific jargon does no harm to the rest of the audience. Indeed it may do some good. Mendoza71 made the excellent point that one of the causes of the mental block that so often bedevils people coming into science is the unfamilarity of the language. But if they have heard the terms earlier on without necessarily understanding them and before actually needing to use them, there is a familiarity that can be very helpful. For this reason he suggests that words like 'entropy5, 'wavelength5, etc, should be mentioned in passing by teachers long before the time comes for the pupils to study the related ideas seriously.