IGOR NOVÁK,1 IVAN MICHALEC,2 MARIAN VALENTIN,1 MILAN MARÔNEK,2 LADISLAV ŠOLTÉS,3 JÁN MATYAŠOVSKÝ,4 and PETER JURKOVIČ4 1Department of Welding and Foundry, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, 917 24 Trnava, Slovakia 2Slovak Academy of Sciences, Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 41 Bratislava, Slovakia 3Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 41 Bratislava, Slovakia 4VIPO, Partizánske, Slovakia; E-mail: upolnovi@savba.sk

18.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 242 18.2 Experimental Part ....................................................................... 242 18.3 Results and Discussion .............................................................. 245 18.4 Conclusion ................................................................................. 251 Acknowledgements ............................................................................... 252 Keywords .............................................................................................. 252 References ............................................................................................. 253


The surface treatment of steel surface is often used, especially in an automotive industry that creates the motive power for research, design and production. New methods of surface treatment are also developed having major influence on improvement the surface properties of steel sheets while keeping the price at reasonable level [1-3].