The eld of biotechnology has taken a leap with the discovery of the double-helix structure of the deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) molecule and the credit goes to one research publication titled “This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest” authored by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, which claimed to discover the structure of the human DNA helix, the molecule that carries genetic information from one generation to the other. Nine years later, in the year 1962, they shared the Nobel Prize with Wilkins for cracking one of the most important of all biological puzzles. This discovery has led to the birth of genetic mapping, manipulation, and genetic engineering-type elds. Surprisingly, with the help of genetic engineering, the gene of interest can be cut and inserted into the genome of other living organisms (microorganisms and viruses) and

this process of gene insertion and manipulation is called recombinant DNA technology. Over the past few years recombinant DNA technology has been extensively employed to generate therapeutic products (insulin and growth hormones) for treating human diseases. With a rapid increase in the number of patient’s worldwide, there has been a tremendous scope to identify and create medicine for various human diseases. Thankfully with the availability of biotechnology tools, now it is possible to develop therapy for various diseases. In Table 1.1, major biotechnology-related discoveries and milestones are listed to appreciate the contribution of biotechnology in human health care.