L . P . Beriya. In a private conversation with the author of these lines A . M . Petrosyants told me that, having heard his answers to some questions, Beriya asked with irritation: "Don't you need some pigeon's milk too?" "Well , - I thought, I am going to get it hot, - and answered:

- "Yes, we do need all of these things." After some time a question again: - "Haven't you overlooked something?" - "No, we have taken everything into consideration." After an active discussion the document, mobilizing a large number of Soviet

plants, institutes, design bureaus, and construction organizations, was signed. The responsibility of the PGU officials, the scientists and the managers of

the plants for ensuring the fulfillment of the requests was extraordinary. At the same time, this is indicative of the thoughtful and responsible attitude of the Head of the Special Committee to the successful fulfillment of Program No. 1.