Several mixtures of CsI and DyI3, and pure phases of DyI3, Dy2Cs3I9 and DyCs3I6, were prepared by APL engineering and sealed under an inert atmosphere in quartz ampoules. Dy2Cs3I9 (melting point 643°C [4]; 41.77% : 58.23% CsI : DyI3 by weight) was prepared by heating a vial containing the corresponding Csl and DyI3 weight percent mixture to 650°C for 60 minutes with agitation to mix the molten components. The vial was then allowed to cool to room temperature in 5-6 hours by shutting off the furnace. DyCs3I6 (melting point 715°C [4]; 58.93% : 41.07% CsI : DyI3 by weight) was prepared in a similar fashion by heating the corresponding Csl and DyI3 weight percent mixture to 720°C and using an identical mixing and cooling procedure.