Example 8.6 A drained triaxial test on sand with 0'/3 = 3150 Ib/ft2 gave (0'/110'/3)f = 3.7. Compute (a) O'/lf (b) (0'1 - 0'3)/ and (c) l/J/.


Therefore, a; =3.7a~ =3.7 x 3150 =11,655 lb/ft 2

. a{la~ -1 3.7 -1 (c) sIn¢' = 'I' 1 =-371 =0.574 or ¢' =35°

Example 8.7 Assume the test specimen in Ex. 8.6 was sheared undrained at the same total cell pressure of 3150 Ib/ft2• The induced excess pore water pressure at failure uf was equal to 1470 Ib/ft

(a) O'/lf (b) (0'1 - 0'3)f (c) l/J in terms of total stress, (d) the angle of the failure plane af Solution (a) and (b): Since the void ratio after consolidation would be the same for this test as for Ex. 8.6, assume l/J/ is the same.