Relationship Between qa' Relative Density Dr and Friction Angle t/J for Sand Research carried out by many indicates that a unique relationship between cone resistance, relative density and friction angle valid for all sands does not exist. Robertson and Campanella (1983a) have provided a set of curves (Fig. 9.14) which may be used to estimate Dr based on qe and effective

10 20 30 40 50

Dr = 40 50 60 70 80 90% 400

Figure 9.14 Relationship between relative density Dr and penetration resistance qc for uncemented quartz sands (Robertson and Campanella, 1983a)

10 20 30 40

400 '--_---L__.....L-__~_~____I

Figure 9.15 Relationship between cone point resistance qc and angle of internal friction l/J for uncemented quartz sands (Robertson and Campanella, 1983b)

overburden pressure. These curves are supposed to be applicable for normally consolidated clean sand. Fig. 9.15 gives the relationship between qc and l/J (Robertson and Campanella, 1983b).