Animal-derived food products are excellent and readily available sources of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and high-quality proteins not easily dupli­ cated with plant-derived food products. However, a shift in consumer acceptabil­ ity of animal-derived food products has occurred during the last 25 years. Con­ sumer concern is expressed about the nutritional value of red meat with a specific concern being the contribution of animal fat to total dietary fat intake. In response to concerns about animal fats, the swine industry has implemented several ap­ proaches to increase lean, and lower fat, content. These approaches have ranged from increased trimming of cuts at the consumer level to altered payment schemes at the packer level to altered genetics and nutrition at the producer level. Despite these current efforts, new technologies or nutritional strategies that are more efficacious, timely, and cost effective are needed to continue to provide lean, lowfat meat products that are, both in fact and perception, safe and nutritious.