Manganese, element 25 (atomic weight 54.93805), is the third most abundant transition metal in Earth’s crust (-0.019 mol kg-1), consid­ erably less abundant than iron (-1.1 mol kg-1), and the eighth most abundant crustal metal overall [1-3]. The manganese abundance of the ocean crust is about 60% greater than that of the continental crust. (In the solar system, the relative abundance of Fe and Mn is about 102 [2].) Manganese is an essential element in living systems, with some 20 identified functions in enzymes and proteins [3]. Major biological roles of manganese are in making 0 2 (photosystem II) and in disposing of superoxide radicals (superoxide dismutase) [3]. The geochemical distri­ bution of manganese in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere (dust particles) involves oxidation states Mn(II), Mn(III), and Mn(IV) [4], which show a wide range of strengths as Lewis acids, and whose coordination chemistries reflect a strong preference for oxygen donor ligands [3,5,6]. The biota exert a strong influence on the geochemistry

of manganese through bacterial oxidation and reduction [7-9], and through Mn incorporation in new biomass production. Because of the high reduction potentials of the IV and III oxidation states of manga­ nese in aquatic systems, manganese cycles are linked to a significant degree with the geochemical cycles of carbon, oxygen, iron, sulfur, arse­ nic, and other redox elements [4,7]. Linkage between the oxygen and manganese cycle is exemplified by the redox reaction

0 2 + 4Mn2+ + 6H20 ^ 4MnOOH(s) + 8H+ (1)

(and similarly for the further oxidation of Mn(III) to M n02). Linkage between the carbon and manganese cycle may be symbolized by the redox reaction:

H2CO(aq) + 2Mn02(s) + 4H+ ^ 2Mn2+ + C 02(aq) + 3H20 (2)

in which H2CO is formaldehyde, the carbohydrate building block. Both reactions (1) and (2) are energetically favorable under the conditions in most natural waters and sediments; both are microbially mediated.