Population is also sometimes called universe. Population is the totality of elements that have one or more characters in common. In statistical in­ vestigations, researchers are interested in the study of the characteristics of their population. Therefore, the population concerned is to be specified carefully. Suppose we are interested in a particular character in the popula­ tion, and we observe that this character takes different values, and these val­ ues constitute a distribution to that particular character. Our goal is to study the character of our interest and make inferences. Examples of populations are provided here:

1. Number of farmers in a village 2. Number of people in a city 3. Number of trees in a forest 4. Children studying in a school 5. Machines produced in a factory 6. Heights of people in a city or in a country 7. People in a particular age group in a place 8. Population of trees infested with a particular disease 9. Population of patients affected with a disease, e.g., cancer

10. Number of books stocked in a library 11. Suppose we consider that people in a city constitute our population.