This test was designed by Fisher. The treatment means have to be com­ pared using LSD when the Ftest in the analysis of variance table (ANOVA table) is significant. The LSD for a given probability level can be calculated and the means compared (Bancroft, 1968; Carmer and Swanson, 1973). The procedure for the least significant difference test has been described by Goulden (1939), Davies (1949), and others. LSD at 5 percent level of prob­ ability can be determined as LSD005 = f005 x SEd (Steel and Torrie. 1960). where t0 05 is the value from t table for the error degrees of freedom (see Ap­ pendix, Table A.5.), and the given level of significance, SEtj, is the standard error of difference between two means, which equals, where s2 is the error mean square (EMS) in the ANOVA and r is the number of replications.