Opisthobranchs are marine gastropod molluscs, the shell of which is either reduced or

completely absent. Many chemical studies have been performed in order to investigate

their surprising immunity from predators. An annual summary of the chemical liter-

ature on marine organisms is provided by Faulkner (e.g. 2000) and includes studies of

opisthobranch molluscs. The same author also discussed their chemical defense

(Faulkner, 1992). Ecological aspects were discussed, first by Karuso (1987), and then by

Cimino and Sodano (1989) for nudibranchs, by Carefoot (1987) and by Yamada and

Kigoshi (1997) for anaspideans. Faulkner and Ghiselin (1983) were the first to link

chemistry of opisthobranchs to evolution; more recently, evolutionary aspects were also

discussed by Cimino and Ghiselin for sacoglossans (1998) and dorid nudibranchs

(1999). Biosynthetic studies were summarized by Cimino and Sodano (1993), by Garson

(1993) and by Davies-Coleman and Garson (1998). Dietary relationships with sponges

were reviewed by Cimino and Sodano (1994), and finally, very recently, a complete

overview of the chemistry and ecology of sacoglossans and dorids was published

(Cimino et al., 1999).