In an uncontrolled study, dehydroemetine doses of 40-80 mg daily for 10 days cured 13 out of 18 patients (72%) with amoebic dysentery (4). A similar dose schedule and simultaneous treatment with a contact amoebicide (di-iodohydroxyquinoline) and/or chloroquine gave cure rates of 60-100% in small groups of patients (5). In a randomized clinical study in patients with amoebic liver abscess, intravenous metronidazole (1.5 g/ day in 3 divided doses for 10 days, n=18 patients) was compared to intramuscular dehydroemetine (60 mg/day for 10 days, n=18 patients). After treatment, all patients treated with metronidazole were reported to be cured. However, 7 patients treated with

Pregnancy and lactation

Documentation is lacking both in animals and in man. Because of its mechanism of action against protein synthesis and its severe side effects, the drug should not, however, be given during pregnancy, unless the condition of the patients makes its use necessary.