M ost o f the parasitic pro tozoa o f econom ic im portance (parasites o f m an and dom estic anim als) are found in the follow ing phyla: the Sarcom astigophora and the A picom plexa.

Phylum Sarcom astigophora ■ Subphylum M astigophora

Class Z oom astigophora O rd e r K inetoplastida: O rd e r D ilpom om adida: O rd e r T richom odida:

■ Subphylum Sarcodina Superclass R hizopoda Class Lobosea O rd e r A m oebida:

Phylum A picom plexa ■ Class Sporozoea

Subclass Coccidia O rd e r Eucoccidida Suborder Eim eriina: Suborder H aem osporina: Subclass Piroplasm ia O rd e r Piroplasm ida:

■ 2.3 FLAGELLATED PROTOZOA Flagellates (m astigophorans) have an o u te r pellicle, definite body shape and one o r m ore flagella (struc tu re similar to cilia). Flagella often have m astigonem es (hair like projections) along their length.