Main body s tru c tu re : ■ A coelom ate; do rso-ven trally flattened; bilaterally sym m etrical; no anus. ■ M esoderm develops in to a specialised connective layer know n as the parenchym a. ■ T he organs — rep roduc tive , nerves, m uscular, excre to ry e tc , are em bedded w ith in

the parenchym a. ■ N o specialised resp ira to ry organs. G aseous exchange is by diffusion th rough o u te r

body layer. ■ Specialised excre to ry ‘o rg an s’ know n as flame cells unique to this phylum . These cells

link in to a tubular system for the rem oval o f liq u id n itrogenous w aste. ■ N early all m em bers o f this phylum are h erm aphrod ite .