Length of diaphragm in a direction perpendicular to the corrugations (mm) Cross-sectional area of longitudinal edge member (mm2) Depth of diaphragm in a direction parallel to the corrugations (mm) Overall shear flexibility of a diaphragm (mm/kN) Pitch of corrugations Modulus of elasticity of steel (205 kN/mm2) Yield strength of steel in sheeting (N/mm2) Design strength of individual sheet/purlin fastener (kN) (see Note 1) Design strength of purlin/rafter connection (kN) (see Note 2) Design strength of individual seam fastener (kN) (see Note 3) Design strength of individual sheet/shear connector fastener (kN) (see Note 1) Height of profile (mm) Frame flexibility (mm/kN) Sheeting constants (see Note 4) Width of corrugation crest (mm) Span of diaphragm between braced frames (mm) Number of panels within sheet length (see Note 5) Number of panels in the length of the diaphragm assembly (see Note 5) Number of sheet lengths within depth of diaphragm assembly (see Note 6)


Number of sheet/purlin fasteners per sheet width Number of sheet lengths within length of diaphragm (see Note 5) Number of purlins (edge + intermediate) (see Note 7) Number of seam fasteners per side lap (excluding those which pass through both sheets and the supporting purlin) Number of sheet/shear connector fasteners per end rafter Number of sheet/shear connector fasteners per internal rafter Number of sheet widths per panel Pitch of sheetJpurlin fasteners (mm) Distributed load on diaphragm (kN/mm) Slip per sheet/purlin fastener per unit load (mm/kN) (see Note 1) Movement of purlin/rafter connection per unit load (mm/kN) (see Note 2) Slip per seam fastener per unit load (mm/kN) (see Note 3) Slip per sheet/shear connector fastener per unit load (mm/kN) (see Note 1) Net sheet thickness, excluding galvanising and coating (mm) (see Note 8) Shear displacement of diaphragm (mm) Applied shear force on diaphragm (kN) Design shear capacity of diaphragm (kN) Shear force on diaphragm to cause overall shear buckling (kN) Capacity associated with a given failure mode or ultimate load (kN)

248 E.R. Bryan and 1.M. Davies

al -as Factors to allow for intermediate purlins and number of sheet lengths (see Note 9)

(31-(32 Factors to allow for the number of sheet/purl in fasteners per sheet width (see Note 10)

(33 Distance between outermost fasteners across the sheet width -;- sheet width (see Note 11) ~ Midspan deflection of a panel assembly (mm) v Poisson's ratio for steel (0·3)

Notes on symbols

1. Typical design strengths and slip values of some sheet/purlin and sheet/shear connector fasteners are given in Table 13(a) for Jy = 280N/mm2. For other values of Jy , the design strength should be multiplied by y'Jy /280.