The calculations of the physico-chemical quantities pertaining to the adsorption energy on heterogeneous surfaces starts from the diffusion band of RF-GC experiments, comprising the values of the pairs H,t. From these, the time coefficients B17 B2, B3, and B4 of Eq. (42) are extracted, together with the rate constant k1 and the calibration factor g, by means of a PC program published as Appendix A of Ref. 6. The other quantities needed v, ay, as, Dt. Lb R, k, h, T, and m are known from the literature or from conventional measurements. Introducing all of the above quantities into a simple PC program based on Eq. (72) for KJ, Eqs. (69) and (80) for ac;;acY and r?c;;ac;, respectively, and Eqs. (67), (68), (82)-(84) and (86), one finds the values of e, c~ax• et> {(e), and cy in the simplest possible way and for several times (within the frame of the experimental time t).