Consider a gas of bosons whose total number is conserved. The equation for the fugacity is

nλ3 = g3/2(z) (11.1) and a qualitative plot of the function g3/2 is shown in Fig.11. 1. The function has infinite slope at z = 1, since

z d dz

g3/2(z) = g1/2(z) = ∞∑ =1



and the series diverges at z = 1. It is thus bounded by the value

g3/2(1) = ∞∑ =1

−3/2 = ζ (3/2) = 2.612 . . . (11.3)

solution to (11.1)

nλ3 ≤ g3/2(1). (11.4)

This condition can be violated by increasing the density, or lowering the temperature. What then would be the value of z?