The result indicates the advantageous feature of the AFM oxidation process as a simple and useful nanostructure fabrication technique for InAs with the feature size less than 100 nm. For further application of this AFM oxidation process, the electrical properties of the InAs oxide was studied using a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structure and was found to form an electron barrier with the conduction band discontinuity of 0.45 eV with respect to InAs. [8]

Recently, we demonstrated that the phase breaking time in high mobility InAs/AlGaSb open-dot structures lies in tens of picoseconds even at 4.2 K and is longer than that in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. [9, 10] The fluctuations in the magnetoresistance can be interpreted in terms of mode matching of the bare dot states.[11, 12] Due to the smaller electron effective mass of InAs, the level separation in an InAs dot reaches a few meV for the diameter less than 100 nm. Therefore, nanofabrication of InAs is interesting for the study of quantum transport properties.