SiN G L E -cell proteins (SCP) are obtained from unicellular organisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and micro-algae. They are an alternative source of food proteins independent of climate and land availability, and can be culti­ vated without environmental pollution on different media containing hydro­ carbons, waste saccharides, or other inexpensive components. Relatively high growth efficiency of microorganisms, satisfactory nutritional and functional values of SPC, and sufficient crude protein content, usually ranging between 40% and 80% on a dry basis of the cells, make them suitable for food and feed supplementation. Among other microorganisms, methanotrophic bacte­ ria were intensively investigated as a promissory source of proteins produced from crude oil. However, increased oil prices, agricultural development, and enhanced nutritional safety demands reduce the requests for such applications. At present, microorganisms are widely used mostly for production of differ­ ent enzymes, organic acids, and many other compounds that are valuable for the food industry and for medical and pharmaceutical applications.