Abstract This paper describes bond and anchorage properties of two dimensional grid type FRP i n concrete and consists of an experimental study and an analytical one based on the test results. I n the experimental study, pul lout tests of 13 specimens were performed. The specimens include several variables, such as the k ind of fiber, the number of longitudinal bars, the number of transverse bars. I n the analytical study, finite element analysis were performed to make the mechanism of the bond resistance clearer. The bond property of a longitudinal bar and the complex behavior of gr id intersection were represented by two different kinds of l i nk elements, respectively. The test results indicate that the bond and anchorage of two dimensional gr id type FRP mainly depend on the resistance of the transverse bars at the grids intersections and for carbon FRP grids, at least three transverse bars are required to obtain enough anchorage against concrete, while for hybrid(made of glass and carbon fiber), two transverse bars are required. Keywords: anchorage, bond, finite element analysis, grid, gr id intersection, longitudinal bar, transverse bar, two dimensional grid type FRP

1 In t roduct ion

Owing to the difficulty of processing the deformation on the surface and the bending of FRP, the rod type FRP has many problems, while the grid type FRP is fu l l of promise i n the use of FRP i n Japan[ l ] . But i t must be noted that the mechanism of bond resistance of two dimensional grid type

Bond of grid type FRP 201

FRP differ from one of welded steel fabric, because of the complex behavior of the FRP grid intersection and its anisotropy.