Figure 9.7 Structure s of some sugars. (A ) L-Fucose (pyranose form) . Not e tha t th e - C H 3 group point s downward ; thi s indicate s L serie s in the Hawor t h structura l convention . (B ) Maltose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,4-D-glucopyranose) ; (C ) cellobios e (/3-D-glucopyranosyl - 1,4-D-glycopyranose); an d (D ) sucros e (a-D-glucopyranosyl-l,2-)S-D-fructofuranoside). (Re - produced b y permissio n fro m Die m K , Lentne r C . Scientifi c Tables . Basel : Ciba-Geigy , 1971.)

pancreas. Ther e is onl y a 1 % differenc e i n amin o aci d compositio n betwee n th e

two enzymes . Pancreati c a-amylas e i s th e mor e importan t fro m a quantitativ e

point o f view , becaus e foo d doe s not generall y remai n long enoug h i n the mout h

to be thoroughl y digeste d b y salivar y a-amylase. I n acute pancreatitis , pancreatic

a-amylase level s i n seru m ar e highl y elevated , an d thi s serve s a s a convenien t

tool i n th e diagnosi s o f thi s disorder .