As before, the integer assigned to the design parameter r is the minimum value for which the power is greater than a specified value. The formula used for power is the same as that for PCS given earlier, calculated with 'YJ and an alternative value of 'Y > 'YJ, except for one modification. The upper limit for the summation is t instead of r - 1, since the null hypothesis is rejected only if s ~ t. Thus the power, denoted by 1 - {3, is given by

1 - {3 = E II1;rb b=O

where II1;rb denotes IIrb calculated under HI with'Y > 'YJ. Equation (5) gives the value of a for a one-sided test. For a given t, the

sum in equation (5) should be doubled for a two-sided test. Another term, equal to E~=oIIl;a" should be added to the sum in equation (6) to calculate 1 - (3 for a two-sided test. Moreover, a two-sided test also requires that the stopping rule be modified so that r balls of either type may be added provided that not more than t balls of both types are added. A one-sided test is appropriate for our ECMO example. Therefore, to avoid complexity, the rest of the formulas presented will be for one-sided tests only.