I. Solutions and Mixtures 2 A. Mixtures 2 B. Solutions 3 C. Ionic solutions 4

II. Ionic Interactions 5 A. Ionic cloud models 6 B. Advanced theories 11 C. Ion association 15

III. Hydron Transfer Reactions 21 A. Bransted’s acids and bases 21 B. Equilibrium constants 22 C. Definition and interpretation of pH 26 D. Complex formation 32 References 33

Equilibria in solutions of electrolytes is a topic covered in all undergraduate chemistry curricula, so every chemist feels more or less familiar with it. Nevertheless, some parts are rather tricky, requiring a comparatively high level of thermodynamic knowledge. Fortunately, owing to the efforts of many individuals and international bodies, during past two decades the concepts of chemical thermodynamics have been made more transparent. The first part of this chapter contains exact and, we hope, understandable definitions of basic concepts and physical quantities relevant to the subject. The style conforms to the current international recommendations [1], except in some minor details.