In November 2008, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) reached a landmark decision a¦er some 16 years of debate when it agreed on a de…nition of dietary …ber (DF). ´e Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) adopted the recommendation of the committee in July 2009. ´e decision was not without some compromise, and while it is a major step in establishing a global standard for DF, issues remain that need to be considered on the path to implementing a single, global de…nition of DF. ´e Ninth Vahouny Symposium gave an opportunity to consider these issues with distinguished scienti…c and regulatory experts in the …eld. Session 10 part 1 was chaired by Dr. Lisa Sanders, Tate & Lyle PLC, and its purpose was to review these


3.1 Summary 19 3.2 Introduction 20

3.2.1 Overview of the Codex De…nition and Future Implementation Issues 20

3.3 International Context 22 3.3.1 European Scene 22 3.3.2 Broader International Scene 23

3.4 Can We Come to a Resolution on DP 3-9? 25 3.5 Determining Bene…cial Physiological E¬ects 26

3.5.1 Which Fibers Need to “Prove” a Bene…cial Physiological E¬ect? 26 3.5.2 Which Physiological E¬ects Are Bene…cial? 27

3.6 Dietary Fiber Analysis 28 3.6.1 Moving from De…nition to Practice 28

3.7 Discussion 30 3.8 Conclusion 31 References 31

issues from a global perspective. Dr. Sanders was joined by the following speakers: Dr.  Joanne R. Lupton, Distinguished Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Texas A&M University, who gave an overview of the Codex de…nition and future implementation issues; Dr. Jonathan W. DeVries, Senior Principal scientist, General Mills, and senior technical manager, Medallion Laboratories, who presented on Dietary Fiber Analyses-Moving from De…nition to Practice; Dr. Joanne Slavin, professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, the University of Minnesota, who spoke on Determining the Physiological Bene…ts of Dietary Fiber; and Wim Caers, Manager of Regulatory A¬airs, Beneo Group, who concluded part 1 with European and International Perspectives of the Dietary Fiber De…nition.