Tx Cannot assess primary tumor T0 No evidence of primary tumor Tis Carcinoma in situ (preinvasive carcinoma) T1 I Carcinoma limited to vagina T2 II Carcinoma involves the paravaginal tissues but does not extend to the pelvic wall T3 III Carcinoma extends to the pelvic wall T4 IV Carcinoma extends beyond the true pelvis or invades the mucosa of the bladder or rectum

IVA Spread to adjacent organs, direct extension beyond the true pelvis, or both Nx Cannot assess regional lymph node N0 No regional nodal metastases N1 Pelvic or inguinal nodal metastases M0 No distant metastases M1 IVB Distant metastases (includes lymph node metastases outside the pelvis or inguinal regions)

decisions are based on clinical examination. However, clinical examination may be inaccurate, and ideally MRI should also be performed as it may detect more advanced disease than has been suspected clinically and lead to alterations in management. MRI has an important role in selection of patients and surgical planning prior to pelvic exenteration.