Dictionaries are useful for searching information quickly. e codon_ table dictionary can be used to retrieve the amino acid for any given codon:

Other examples of dictionaries are as follows:

1. A dictionary where each key is a Uniprot AC of a sequence belonging to the organism listed in the corresponding value:

2. A dictionary where keys are single-letter amino acid codes and values are the propensity of each amino acid for being in a loop (i.e., the propensity of not being in either an alpha-helical conformation or a beta-sheet conformation):

3. A dictionary where keys are tuples collecting single-letter codes of amino acids sharing a physicochemical property and values are keywords pointing at the corresponding properties:

Keys must be unique; i.e., the same key cannot be associated to more than one value. If you try to insert two identical keys in a dictionary, the newer one will overwrite the other.