What do you think of when you see or hear the term stakeholder management? And if you are a practicing program manager, how good do you think you are at it?

€e words stakeholder management are referenced widely in portfolio, program, and project management literature and journals. A Google® search provides over seven million results (covering all sorts of uses of the phrase, not limited to use solely in program management). Stakeholder

Introduction ....................................................................................................129 Shall We Continue to Call It “Stakeholder Management”? .......................131 €e “Coverage” of Stakeholder Engagement ..............................................131 How to Exert the Right Level of In¤uence ..................................................132 Planning Program Stakeholder Engagement E¡ectively .......................... 134 €e Importance of a Compelling Vision on Stakeholder Engagement ...137 Nailing Your Communications .....................................................................138 Reporting and Stakeholder Engagement .....................................................140 Tracking Your Stakeholder Management Activities ..................................140 Working in a Global Environment of Stakeholders ...................................141 Do You Have the Key Competencies for E¡ective Program Stakeholder Engagement? .............................................................................141 Five Rules for Successfully Working with Your Stakeholders ...................142 References ........................................................................................................142