There are a few signiœcant insect and nuisance pests of creeping bentgrass that warrant mention. As was the case with soil and soil fertility, a thorough review on invertebrate pest biology and research is not within the scope of this monograph, but a few are brie›y considered here. In North America some of the most notable invertebrate pests of creeping bentgrass, which will be brie›y discussed, include the following: annual bluegrass weevils (Listronotus maculicolis), turfgrass ants (Lasius neoniger), black cutworms (Agrotis ipsilon), cicada killer wasps (Sphecius speciosus), sod webworms (Parapediasia teterrella, Pediasia trisecta, others), cranberry girdler or subterranean webworm (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), and earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris, Apporecodea spp., others).