Primary Type 1: autoimmune destruction of /i-cells of pancreatic islets of Langerhans: always causes IDDM.

Epi: Inc: Prevalence = 1-2% population, and rising Age: Children - 30 yrs Aet: a) Genetic: DR3, 4 t es risk, but MZ Concordance • 50 %

b) Infection: CMV, EBV, coxsackie, congenital rubella (seasonal onset of diabetes) c) Cows' milk in babies: bovine serum antigen cross-reacts with /?-cell protein p69

Path: anti-islet-cell Abs (esp. glutamic acid dehydrogenase) &/or anti-insulin Abs Type 2: peripheral insulin resistance ± insulin 1± hepatic glucose efflux t: causes IDDM or NIDDM.