Moderate sedation is a suitable anesthetic option for outpatient surgery in the proper setting that will yield successful results when administered correctly; it maximizes physician efficiency and allows for the patient’s rapid recovery with minimal side effects. As the range of acceptable ambulatory surgical patients and interventions continues to expand and the demand for cosmetic surgical procedures increases, it is of utmost importance that dermasurgeons possess a thorough knowledge of mild to moderate sedation and analgesia. A medical facility with outpatient surgery services and amenities should comply with the standards set forth by the Committee on Guidelines of Care of the American Academy of Dermatology, among others. These standards are intended to promote and ensure patient safety and facilitate the administration of anesthetics and lifesaving care. An ideal sedative-hypnotic should induce analgesia, sedation, and amnesia, as well as calm the patient and depress coughing, laryngospasm, and gagging, all the while allowing for the patient to remain cooperative.