Congratulations! You have now made it through the complete process improvement methodology. Looking back at our journey, we began in the first step by getting the process improvement effort started, putting the plan and vision together, organizing the project team, and conducting training in process improvement. In the second step, process identification, we understood the environment and identified the processes in the environment, their purpose, benefits, and issues. In the third step, we selected the processes for improvement by analyzing the value and prioritizing the processes. For a particular process, the fourth step gathered information on the process, flowcharted the current state of the process, and analyzed the process. In the fifth step, we developed a plan to improve the process that included the process objectives, metrics, baseline and benchmark data, and Case for Action. The sixth step developed the new process, validated it, and developed process documentation. In the seventh step, we determined the impact on technology and people, planned the implementation, implemented the new process, monitored, and made improvements to the process.