This chapter help the readers to consolidate what they have learned and to help them to develop their problem-solving skills. In Newtonian mechanics it is Newton’s laws that provide the basis for such predictions, whether they involve forces and translational motion, or torques and rotational motion. They apply to extended bodies as well as particles or systems of particles, though our considerations are largely restricted to particles and rigid bodies for simplicity. Despite their determinism, the equations of motion of Newtonian mechanics are not always able to reliably predict the future motion of a system. Some systems are known to be chaotic under certain circumstances, implying that their evolution is highly sensitive to their initial condition. Dealing with differential equations is a difficult undertaking even for experienced users of mathematics. Fortunately, in many situations, important information about the behaviour of systems may be more simply obtained by making use of conserved quantities, such as momentum (linear or angular) and energy.