Pollen morphology is of great significance in taxonomy, phylogeny, palaeobotany, aeropalynology and pollen allergy. This chapter provides a brief description of technical terms used in pollen morphology. One of the most important applications of palynology is in the field of petroleum exploration. Potential sources were identified on the basis of rock strata. Pollen analysis has important applications in understanding past climatic changes, the origin and spread of agriculture and prehistoric cultures. Analysis of pollen in archaeological human burials and samples of coprolites has given definitive information about ancient diets. Analysis of pollen can be effectively used in solving crimes. The pollen wall is probably the most complex wall system found in higher plants. It includes three main domains—intine, exine and pollen coat—which differ in morphology, chemistry and function. Pollen identification is largely based on the structure and surface sculpturing of the exine.